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       发布日期: 2022-04-20     

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1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:河套灌区盐碱地膜下滴灌土壤水热盐过程模拟与调控(51509238),2016.01-2018.12,26万,主持。

2. 国家重点研发计划项目子课题:河套灌区盐碱地节水地面灌溉和膜下滴灌土壤水盐调控技术(2017YFC0403303),2017.07-2020.12,25万元,主持。

3. 中国科学院“西部之光”人才培养计划项目:干旱灌区滴灌条件下土壤水势对作物生长及耗水的影响研究,2015.01-2016.12,10万,主持。

4. 陕西省科技统筹创新工程计划项目:覆膜条件下土壤水盐热动态变化研究(2016KTZDNY03-06),2016.01-2018.12,10万,专题主持。

5. 西北农林科技大学基本科研业务费专项资金:基于土壤水势的干旱灌区盐碱地膜下滴灌土壤水盐调控机制,2015.01-2017.12,9万,主持。


1. Zhang T., Zhan X.*, He J., Feng H., Kang Y. Salt characteristics and soluble cations redistribution in an impermeable calcareous saline-sodic soil reclaimed with an improved drip irrigation. Agricultural Water Management, 2018, 197: 91-99.

2. Zhang T., Zhan X., Kang Y.*, Wan S., Feng H.. Improvements of soil salt characteristics and nutrient status in an impermeable saline–sodic soil reclaimed with an improved drip irrigation while ridge planting Lycium barbarum L.. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2017, 17(4): 1126-1139.

3. Zhang T., Kang Y.*, Liu S., Liu S. Alkaline phosphatase activity and its relationship to soil properties in a saline-sodic soil under semi-arid conditions. Paddy and Water Environment, 2014, 12(2): 309-317.

4. Zhang T., Wan S., Kang Y.*, Feng H. Urease activity and its relationships to soil physiochemical properties in a highly saline-sodic Soil. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2014, 14(2): 304-315.

5. Zhang T., Kang Y.*, Wan S. Shallow sand-filled niches beneath drip emitters made reclamation of an impermeable saline-sodic soil possible while cropping with Lycium barbarum L.. Agricultural Water Management, 2013, 119: 54-64.

6. Zhang T., Wang Z.*, Yin Y., Cai R., Yan S., Li W. Starch content and granule size distribution in grains of wheat in relation to post-anthesis water deficits. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 2010, 196(1): 1-8.

7. Zhan X., Yu G., Zhang T*. Plant functional types rather than climate or soil determine leaf traits in the forest biomes of eastern China. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 2018, 33(1): 14-22. (通讯作者)

8. Zhou L., He J., Qi Z., Dyck M., Zou Y., Zhang T.*, Feng H. Effects of lateral spacing for drip irrigation and mulching on the distribution of soil water and nitrate, maize yield, and water use efficiency. Agricultural Water Management, 2018, 199: 190-200. (通讯作者)

9. Zhan X., Guo M., Zhang T.*. Joint control of net primary productivity by climate and soil nitrogen in the forests of Eastern China. Forests, 2018, 9, 322. (通讯作者)

10. 张体彬*, 展小云, 康跃虎, 万书勤, 冯浩. 浅层填沙滴灌种植枸杞改良龟裂碱土重度盐碱荒地研究. 农业机械学报, 2016, 47(10): 139-149.

11. 张体彬*, 康跃虎, 万书勤, 冯浩. 滴灌枸杞对龟裂碱土盐碱地几种酶活性的改良效应. 土壤学报, 2015, 52(6): 189-197.