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作者:      来源:     发布日期: 2013-04-03     



Test Site for Field Water Transformation

This experimental site has three main components: movable rain shelter, underground measuring pits, and two giant lysimeters.

Main uses:

① to investigate the regulating mechanisms of crop water use efficiency (WUE) and principles of deficit irrigation;

② to study the models of plant water requirement and theories of SPAC (soil plant atmosphere continuum) system;

③ to research the transports of water, fertilizers, and salts in soil profile and the joint regulation of plant water, fertilizer, and salt conditions;

④ to develop new technologies for harvesting information about crop water requirement and for precisely controlled irrigation;

⑤ to artificially imitate special natural environment;

⑥ to conduct experiments on mimic rainfall, micro-scale water collecting, and water controlling in the cropping system;

to explore the possibility for reclamation and reuse of poor-quality water.

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