您现在所在的位置: 首页» 旱区节水农业研究院» 条件平台» 试验设施


作者:      来源:     发布日期: 2013-04-03     

设有2个电动折合式遮雨大棚,由试验区和称量式盆栽区两部分组成。试验小区包括14个面积约50 m2的小区,小区水分处理均可独立控制。可开展作物抗旱节水的需水过程和水分调控试验、作物遗传资源的抗旱节水性筛选和鉴定、作物抗旱节水鉴选指标及技术体系等研究。称量式盆栽区安装有巡扫式小型蒸渗仪,设有54个1-2m深度、60cm直径的吊盆,采用计算机远程数据管理,自动测量和存储吊盆重量及其变化。可开展作物抗旱节水的需水过程、水分调控试验及根系发育检测等研究。

Test Site for Identifying Plant Properties of Drought Resistance and Water Saving

This experiment site has an electric rain shelter with two superpositional spans and has been divided into two sections for ordinary field experiments and pot incubation experiments with weighing devices, respectively. The section for pot incubation experiments has been installed with small traveling lysimeters. The weight changes of every pot can be automatically measured and saved through a remote computer management system. The researches oriented to crop drought tolerance and water saving, such as water consumption process, soil water regulation, and root system development, can be conducted on this site.

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