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“111创新引智基地”系列学术报告:Mentoring graduate students in a manner to help them grow academically and personally

报告题目:Mentoring graduate students in a manner to help them grow academically and personally



报告人简介:Prof. Dr. Robert Hortons 是世界知名土壤物理学家,美国衣阿华州立大学(Iowa State University)杰出教授。Prof. Dr. Robert Horton在土壤水、热及溶质运移的基本理论研究以及测定设备的研发方面具有重要建树,曾获美国土壤学会“土壤科学研究奖”和“土壤物理学奖”。发表SCI论文300余篇,其所培养的学生包括中科院院士等众多知名学者。

报告摘要:In the presentation, Dr. Horton will describe how he shifted from an ‘Authoritarian-style’ to an ‘Authority–style’ of mentoring.  Authoritarians are the ‘Boss’ – telling students what to do.  An Authoritarian tends to have controlling relationships with students.  By serving as an Authority, a mentor acts as a resource of experience and insight.  An Authority-style mentor collaborates with students on their projects and focuses on teamwork to help build-up a student’s confidence.  Dr. Horton will describe how his experiences as an Authority-style mentor are superior to those as an Authoritarian-style mentor.




